Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ruling backs boy's cancer surgery

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look at the stats for radiotherapy success,then you will understand her argument,and after 1 botched surgery attempt he has to have another! not exactly good for her confidence in the?next op.

so why would she let her child go through pain and radiotherapy knowing its not working,surely its more important he doesnt suffer for the time he has left.

You don't know the full story , until you walk in someone's shoes you can't possibly judge.

I am glad the boy is to get treatment. However I ask myself. What is the point of a concent form for either child or?adult ?if their views are to be ignored? In other words the concent of a dictator has to be the way ahead in this horible new world that has been created.

Whilst we all know that radiotherapy is never a pleasant procedure, the main thing to consider is that it does and has saved the lives of many people who have gone on to live normal lives.? If what is printed above is correct and the child may die within months if he does not receive the treatment, is there really a choice here??

A very Sad Day when a Judge Takes away a parents RIGHTS as this Womans has,? To all those commenting on here it is NOT for you to decide as it is NOT for me to decide as it SHOULD NOT have been for the Judge to decide ,? This woman wanted further information and another opinion and she should have been given it , I have a Terminal Illness and I have been offered a drug that "May" help with symptoms but also "May Not" , but alongside the may/may not ,? the side effects of this drug (not all it would take far too long to write them all) starting with the most serious side effect (and this is from the list of side effects on the product)?
number one :? DEATH
number two :?? fatal lymphoma
number three:? high risk of TB
and these carry on? :? heart failure ,? Anaphlaxis , Vasculitis, liver failure, fevers , problems with vision ..... the list goes on and on I HAVE REFUSED the drug without it I will get worse have to have surgery and in the end die , but that could be months or weeks , but it could be years , however if I take the drug on offer I could be dead or it could cause many more problems for me to cope with and I refuse to take that risk so I do have A LOT of sympathy for this woman and her son and for the decision she has had to make ,? which as his mother she has every right until a Judge thought otherwise ,? But that Judge along with people who have commented on here DO NOT have to live with the out come of these decisions his parents do and he does.?
????? I wish both Neon and his parents the very best and Neon you are in my prayers xxxx May God Bless you and comfort you

At last some common sense in this case. Emotion is not a sound platform on which to? decide the future of a child.? Mum does not always?know best sometimes?Dad is right. Lets hope the child makes a good recovery.

How insensitive of the scum press to hound her at such a time, this is their own private matter & should be respected.

its sad i know but the boys life i should know my son has simpsons syndrome so did my first son he died art? 14 weeks old my second son has it? he? too almost died with out major surgery he to would of died if?we had known at the time my late?wife was a carrier we had no children the girl`s are carriers we was never told till 2 years after wife died she was a carrier my grand son had loads of opps one weas to take his forhead and have it rebuilt he also tube fed he cant talk he cant swallow he hand signs has seven? nipples yes seven he six years old now he can hear but cant talk


Ms Roberts is a brave and courageous women.? Far from denying her son a chance of successful treatment she is asking if this is the right treatment.? Many people who has been seriously ill and have sought out the opinion of more than one specialist will have found more than one possible solution - and that is what any treatment is - a possible solution.? Treatment for any life threatening disease often comes with life threatening risks which are often not highlighted unless the result is not the one doctors originally presented.


Childrens nervous systems are not yet fully developed?and it is my understanding that?radiotherapy can cause changes to brain function.? I am not an expert, but if it was my child I would do my own research to arm myself with the facts and not automatically follow the options and opinions put in front of me.


I sincerely hope Neon's operation and treatment is a success, but if not I hope Ms Roberts can draw some comfort from the fact she fought her very hardest for her childs best interests,?? Sadly, the last thing either the mother or child should have to go through at this time.?



I have long doubted that we live in a democracy and accepted the nanny state as fact,but this ruling beggars belief.? The blinkered arrogance, lack of compassion and downright cruelty of the medical and legal professions makes me wonder whether we have any freedom in this country at all.? A mother's decision on how her son is treated should be paramount and the western world should try and remember that death is a part of life and life should not be a living death.??If these?"professionals" have any conscience at all then they will not sleep tonight or for a very long time to come.? The pain they have inflicted on a woman who? is already suffering intolerably is indescribable.


My heart goes out to Sally Roberts and her child.

what chance has she got,give the boy a chance or face certain death. very sad:{

What a very very sad situation. Life is about quality and not quantity. What right do any of us have to comment on what is right in this situation. I just hope that social workers are not involved because now she won't have any say in his future treatment or if they will even allow her to see him. None of this has been reported but you can bet is going on.


This lady is doing the correct thing, There are cures for cancer. AND IT IS NOT RADIOTHERAPY.
Look up Dr Burzynski on youtube .. Watch the documentary then comment>>>

Why would any mother deny her son access to surgery if there is the remotest chance of success? Each moment makes him more ill and is risking his life. Let the professionals do what they feel right, we're all human and not infallible but I would certainly grasp any medical opportunity available if advised by someone who had spent several years as a specialist. This is a life in balance.

I don't know the full story and the chances of this poor boy surviving!
People may think his mother is selfish, i don't know!
Either way this is a seven year old boy, who from all accounts will not have a normal life!
And his mother will have feelings of guilt all her life " which she shouldn't have "
because she will blame herself about his problems!
I'm lucky i had two healthy daughters?
I couldn't imagine how i would feel to have her problems and decisions !

The sad thing is that only time will tell who's right in this matter.

the mother should think more of the child than dolling herself up for the cameras an publicity she should be ashamed of herself and let the doctors do there job and save the child

The government have no right to dictate how she decides to treat her son.

This country is a s**thole filled with control freaks.

OMG poor woman who gave him the right to decide who can and cannot at least try to live longer

What on earth is this woman thinking?! Every second she spends refusing him treatment is one second of his life dwindling away. Yes, radiotherapy is unpleasant, but if there's a possibility it might prolong your child's life, wouldn't you take that chance? I don't even have kids but I already know I'd do anything to keep them safe, happy?and alive! Poor little Neon.


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